The Story


It all began in California, where our founder, Shant Mardirosian grew up. He had always revered a fresh, classic old-fashioned burger but finding one was becoming increasingly rare in a world of apparent burger defilement. Frozen patties. Over-seasoned and compromised beef quality. Order speed over a burger-eating experience that was fresh and perfect every time. And so the mission began, whether he knew it at the time or not.

Fast forward years later, he found himself in Toronto attending Seminary school with plans of becoming a priest. But something didn’t feel quite right. He hoped that his true calling would reveal itself.

Lucky for us (and burger lovers writ large) it finally did. A giant leap of faith was taken and shortly thereafter, The Burger’s Priest restaurant was conceived.

You could call it divine inspiration in service of burger redemption.

burgers priest restaurant


burgers priest restaurant

Shant opened his first restaurant on Toronto’s Queen Street East in 2010. A 350 square-foot place without much more than four stools, a small meat grinder, and menu plastered on an old hymn board.

He called it The Burger’s Priest.

Devotees would make an extra mile’s pilgrimage and line up down the block for a taste of burger redemption. Now, in a new location, our followers have continued to fill those four stools, and then some. We’ve created more burgers and opened more places of worship. Next, we’ll bring burger redemption to followers the world over.

But we’ll never forget our humble origins.


burger priest restaurant
burger priest restaurant
burger priest restaurant
burger priest restaurantr
burger priest restaurant
burger priest restaurant